Room Occupancy levels in North Maluku province in August 2015 Down 2.13 Points - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Utara Province

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Room Occupancy levels in North Maluku province in August 2015 Down 2.13 Points

 Room Occupancy levels in North Maluku province in August 2015 Down 2.13 PointsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2015
File Size : 0.4 MB


Number of foreign tourists (tourists) who come in North Maluku and the use of accommodation facilities in August 2015 as many as 27 people, an increase of 3.85 percent compared to July 2015 the number of foreign tourist are also as many as 26 people.
Domestic tourists (domestic tourism) in August 2015, there were 9705 people, an increase of 16.96 percent compared to the number of domestic tourists in July 2015 that as many as 8298 people.
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